Monday, June 02, 2008

Joaquin is 51 weeks old

Joaquin is nearly one, yes 12 months old. I wish I had done something similar to Dooce and written a letter to Joaquin for every month or milestone he has overcome, like she did for Leta her daughter who is now 4 or 52 months old.
I was sitting with him on the ground (before I was lying on the ground asleep and he was waking me up with wet mouth kisses and hair pulling) and he came up to me and bit me on the shoulder.
When he was 8 months old whenever he bit, it meant he was tired. So when we told our friend to babysit him when he was 10 months old, we gave her a list of instructions and one was if he bites he is tired, give him a bottle and he may probably sleep.
Now i am not too sure what bitting means. Is it that he is tired? Maybe. Is it that he is bored, very possibly! Is it that he is hungry? could be as well. All I know is that as I type this I am thinking I should feed him soon and put him down for a sleep and I am really feeling the baby bite on my left shoulder.

1 comment:

Juan Pablo FV said...

excuse me:
Mr. Joaquincito IS a print from the father.
Oh yeah.

{ parece a vos tambien che! }

From BA>lands: Jp and Family.

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