Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Baby is born

Friday 8th June

Joaquin was born at 10.30am on Friday 8th June 2007. He weighed 3.82kgs and measured 57cm.

I think that is quite a big baby and long one.

Was sent to Oxford ward at Birthing Suite and i had my legs numb from the epidural and could not feel them at all. Jas was no where to be found nor the little baby, and finally Jason came to my room holding a new little parcel, a new little baby all pink and soft wrapped up, only his face showing. I held him in my arms and really did not know what to expect.

Jason and I cried a bit that day, we slept on and off, the baby was sleeping all day and I really did not feed him that much. I was stuck in bed with a drip with antibiotics and a hormone drip of oxytocin hormones and a catheter for going to the toilet.

My friends from Uni came to visit and brought me flowers on Friday after the birth in the afternoon. I was still in shock from labour but very happy. Jas could not sleep with me in the room and had to go home to bed. I am sure he was very tired after not sleeping the day before.

Saturday 9th June

On Saturday Jason's parents came from Scone it was a very wet windy day and it was raining in most parts of NSW, a great rain. We were thinking of calling the nameless baby Noah as he had brought the rains. A boat the Pasha Bulka was stranded on the Newcastle beach and this was front page news along with all the flooding in the Hunter region. On Saturday we also had a bathing class and he loved to be bathed. He did not cry and I was still so scared to hold him and wrap him. Jason was quite good at wrapping him. All the babies in the class were boys and a few were called Lucas or Luca, we wanted to call him that name but changed our minds when we found out everyone was naming their baby that. Our baby remained nameless, poor little thing.

Those few days at the hospital after he was born are a blur to me, I remember sleeping and staying in bed and the baby in the crib next to me looking with his eyes open and at times sleeping. He did not cry much the first few days.

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